Sunday 13 June 2010

Moving in

Monday, June 7 was the day our container of furniture arrived. Of course, it was raining!

I had gone downtown the previous week to clear the shipment through Customs. Although I had to wait an hour, once I approached the counter the process was smooth and swift. This was at least partly due to the efficiency of Janet, our contact at AMJ Campbell, the moving company. Janet gave us excellent advice about what documents and ID we would need. The Customs officials were apologetic about the wait, quick and friendly with the paperwork. "Welcome home", they said as I headed for the door.

And so, right on time, the container arrived outside our door. Well, nearly outside. Although we knocked on every neighbouring door, we couldn't find the owner of the car parked right in front. I don't think the guys minded that nearly as much as they minded our stairs and the many cases of books they had to carry up them.

It took a set of bolt cutters to remove the seal from the container doors.

As the morning wore on the pile of bubble wrap in the front yard mounted ever higher.

Inside the house, the boxes also piled up.

And as we unpacked, every surface was gradually covered with our possessions. How did we still end up with so much stuff, in spite of stringent paring down?

 By the end of the day, we had at least one room arranged in some semblance of comfort.

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