However, the old coach road we followed throughout the morning was too long a trek for young families and teenagers in flimsy footwear, so we saw no other hikers until we neared the entrance to the tunnel.
Here we are getting ready to head out for the day. That's our fearless leader, Libby Raines in the centre of the group on the left.

We came upon the usual number of stunning rock formations and views as we made our way along.

Beyond Donkey Mountain, a controversial resort and golf course is soon going to change the landscape.

In several places we came upon magnificent specimens of grass trees (Xanthorrhoea media),

one with a flower stalk just emerging, olive green against the tree trunk behind.

As we walked along the old railway line, we came through a deep gully where flourishing tree ferns towered above our heads.

At one point we passed a lyrebird's nest. Some of our fellow-walkers even saw a lyrebird but unfortunately I wasn't one of them

I was intrigued by the beautiful bark on the trunks of some of the eucalypts that we passed. The blotchy ones are spotted gums (Eucalyptus punctata).

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