Friday 6 November 2015

Hummingbird alert!

This morning I sighted an Anna's hummingbird in the garden for the first time ever. It was probably attracted by my Mahonia 'Winter Sun', which I planted for just that reason and which is now in full bloom.


marie said...

On my search for seeds of beesia Google referred me to your blog, and I could not help noticing that many of the plants you enjoy in your garden and have shown beautiful pictures of on your blog are plants that also grow in our garden here in the western part of Denmark. Add to that that our farmhouse is from 1898 - talk about coincidences. By the way, I noticed that your garden seems to be at least a month ahead of ours, and the mahonia will not flower until early spring in these parts of the World.

Christine Allen said...

Thanks for your comments, Marie. I found my way to your blog and enjoyed it very much (although Google Translate had some funny results when translating Danish into English.) If you haven't found a source for Beesia seeds, I'd be happy to send you some. It's a great plant, especially for winter interest.

The Mahonia is blooming early this year. We had a mild winter in Vancouver with very little snow on the mountains - much less than you see in my photo at the top right - and a longer, hotter summer than usual. Quite a few plants are confused and blooming early or out-of-season.